Copyright 2013...Jeff Greenberg...All Rights Reserved
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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Was it a Message from the Universe?

     Nearly a decade ago, I was a member of an Abraham Hicks’ Law of Attraction Meetup group.  Its function was to read and learn from various reading materials and tapes what we specifically have been doing to either attract or repel certain types of people and also certain outcomes in our lives.

     In addition, we were supposed to analyze and speculate what the Universe was telling us in a wide variety of situations.  Well, that is primarily what has been wandering through my mind most of Friday, January 25 and beyond.

     It happened around 4:50, and I was driving to work that morning on Interstate 270 northbound in northwest St. Louis County approaching the Interstate 70 west exit.  From that point, so much happened so quickly in the next several seconds that I’m not even certain of the exact order of the occurrences.  But this is what I’ll always remember.

     First, there was a very sudden slowdown in the dark from roughly 55 mph to a total stop in both the westbound and eastbound I-70 exit lanes.

     I immediately noticed a wrecked vehicle with a small amount of debris just 10-15 feet in front of me.  What looked like a freight train (It was actually an 18-wheel tractor trailer) sped from a few lanes over to my left to some 50-100 feet in front of me, across both exit lanes, crashed through the concrete shoulder barrier and down a hill into the total darkness of the pre-dawn.

     It was tough not to contemplate what might have been for me had I reached that same stretch of road just three to seven seconds sooner.

     Admittedly, my feelings had been all over the place lately regarding feeling appreciated at my full-time job, side hustles, near future expenses of my old car, old house with its monthly payments and its seasoned appliances, the astronomical costs of healthcare, and generally not keeping up with all the cost of living increases.

     There has been a lot of negativity and disappointment regarding a few aspects of life.  However, this recent experience has kind of shaken me regarding the essence of life itself.

     Perhaps the Universe was giving me a free wake up call to remind me that my life could have been entirely snuffed out in the blink of an eye.  It also reminded me that in many ways, my life is far better than most.

     Finally, it made me think that, what do I have to lose in taking more non life-threatening chances in other areas of life?  Borrowing a line from Yul Brynner, who played Rameses in the 1956 blockbuster movie, The Ten Commandments, “So it is written; so it shall be done!”

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