My life has been chock full of highlights! How many Americans can boast travel in all 50
states and all but three Canadian provinces and territories? Then there are the endless highlights from following
all four major sports religiously since 1963!
I also home schooled for six years, have had some incredible workplace
experiences and hundreds more in friendships, relationships and family
life! What more could I want?
For me, Wednesday, August 28,
2019 could be another Red Letter Date! I
left my full-time job right at my 3 p.m. end time and motored south, then west to
a previously obscure address near Spirit of St. Louis Airport.
I ended up going into a room with a couple dozen article clips from a
previous life. They were of a variety of
subject areas and types from back in the 1980s and ‘90s. I met with the managing
editor and the associate editor who loved my resume from the online
application, and my published clips and enthusiasm even more.
So, after having more than 3,500 articles published from 1979-1999 for
the West County Journals, West End Word, Limelight, St. Louis Sun, Chicago
Tribune, Cincinnati Enquirer, Buffalo (NY) Courier-Express, Des Moines
Register, Washington (DC) Star, Baton Rouge (LA) Advocate, St. Louis Small
Business Monthly, Maryland Heights Community News and Issues, Sports St. Louis,
The Sports Journal of Calgary, Alberta and several more publications, plus the
online Yahoo Contributor’s Network….I became a freelance reporter for West and
Mid Rivers Newsmagazines.

The immediate requirement was that I have to cover the twice monthly
municipality meetings. I chose the city
of Ballwin, and have already covered one of its Board of Aldermen
meetings. This week, it’s a Creve Coeur Open
House for a follow up piece on a huge, ongoing project.
I am excited about most freelance writing projects. So, if you live in a municipality in the
western half of St. Louis County or the eastern half of St. Charles County, you
may see several pieces from me online or in issues delivered to your home.
Also, turning this into somewhat of a begging blog, please keep your
eyes and ears open for other freelance writing ideas. I am quite adept at people features; event
coverage, including ones involving charitable organizations; plus content
writing and many areas of technical writing and White Papers. I also did editorial work for four different
So, if you have any good St. Louis area freelance leads, please ONLY email
me at I promise to still see you at social and
networking events! Thanks!
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