By Jeffry
Greenberg (West End Word)
attention to individual gain often hinders the welfare of the world at
large. But the ‘family of man’ attitude
of people like Rich Howard-Willms is certainly paying big dividends for some of
our planet’s less fortunate inhabitants.
is manager of Plowsharing Crafts, a not-for-profit store in the University City
Loop that helps the world’s needy by selling their craft items. It is part of the Mennonite Central Committee
(MCC) SELFHELP Crafts network.
The entire program,
which began in 1947, utilizes the services of 700 volunteers and a handful of
paid employees to operate 110 shops across Canada and the United States. The program aids some 30,000 families
throughout the world.
The St.
Louis store, which opened in Maplewood, moved to 6301-A Delmar Blvd in
1987. Howard-Willms has been with
Plowsharing Crafts from the outset.
“Members of
the church (St. Louis Mennonite Fellowship) decided to start an outreach
program, and this was a natural,” Howard-Willms said. “I, being Canadian but married in America,
couldn’t work for money at the time. So,
I ended up doing volunteer work. Now, I’m
the only paid person (small wages) among about 40 volunteers.”
Crafts derives its name from Micah 4 in the Old Testament of the Bible: “They
shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks…” According to Howard-Willms, the name was
chosen because of the Mennonite Church’s historical peaceful stance.
Instead of
strength through military action, the church spreads peace by providing on-going
financial assistance to communities in foreign lands.
overall aim of the church is to help people help themselves,” Howard-Willms
said. “We do that by getting crafts from
developing countries to our warehouses in Akron, PA and Hamburg, Ontario then
sell them through stores in the United States and Canada.
“We’re a
small bucket in a large ocean. But our
purpose is sort of like the old adage, ‘To give a person fish for one day is
OK, but to teach him how to fish lasts a lifetime.’ Helping people create their own kind of
business and develop things on their own is the way to go. That can effect real change.”
has seen the benefit of the program firsthand.
He was one of 18 store managers who visited India and Bangladesh on a
three-week trip last winter.
His group
has encouraged people to work together in cooperatives then set up savings
accounts for their profits. Six years
ago, there was not a single copying machine in Saipur, a town of 150,000 people
in Bangladesh. Townspeople had to travel
30 miles to use one. But now, a group of
three women runs a thriving business of six copy machines—the only business run
by women among hundreds of stalls in this patriarchal society.
A highlight
of Howard-Willms’ trip was observing the soap-stone work performed by many of
the descendants of those who built the Taj Majal. But Howard-Willms also remembers the
tremendous dust created by the work, which forced the operation to close for a
full year.
Deforestation is a long-term problem in that region of northern
India. But some of the problems
elsewhere are of a more immediate nature.
Calcutta (Kolkata), there are 15 to 20 million people living in a place where
there used to be 1 to 1.5 million,” Howard-Willms said. “It’s so crowded and dirty. What we consider a slum here is nothing by
“In Bangladesh, five months previously, three-fourths
of the country had an incredible flood.
We saw incredibly poor and impoverished conditions, but the people
accepted their lifestyles and were happy to meet us. They gave us flowers and coconut juice and
even sang to us.”
townspeople are extremely grateful for the work that the SELFHELP Crafts
program has provided, and for the sales that are generated through stores and
offsite locations such as Sunday bazaars.
In addition
to helping those in the poorest nations of the world, SELFHELP assists native
American Indian tribes like the Zuni and Navajo as well as people in
Among the
extremely poor of more developed countries are women, who traditionally
receive fewer employment opportunities than me.
Also aided are handicapped people and rural dwellers who wish to remain
in their home environments instead of seeking work in big cities.
“We make
connections with people in these areas,” Howard-Willms said. “The way that the process works is that
people make things and get paid right on the spot because they need it
then. We ask them to set a price instead
of just giving them an amount of money.
Shipping, tariffs and export taxes are tacked onto the price we
charge. If $1 is the price, 50 cents
goes to them and 50 cents to us.”
Some of the
Plowsharing Crafts products and prices are a large iron chess set from Cameroon
($295) and a smaller soap-stone version from Kenya ($95), beautiful wooden toys
from Sri Lanka (each under $10), spiritual note cards from El Salvador (pack of
six for $3) and jute coasters and placemats from Bangladesh (75 cents to
$4.25). No taxes are charged.
Other goods
include hand-carved onyx from Pakistan, lovely sweaters from Uruguay and the Philippines,
sets of carved wood zebra, elephant and giraffe bookends from Kenya, and rugs
from Thailand and India.
admitted that, as a history major at the University of Waterloo (Ontario), he,
like most SELFHELP managers, has no formal business training. But that certainly isn’t evident in the
program’s progress.
been growing at a phenomenal rate, with total sales more than tripling from
$1.5 million to $5 million over the past 10 years. Lack of financial knowledge has indeed been
overshadowed by other qualities.
“My main
interest in school and real life are peace and justice issues,” Howard-Willms
said. “I came to St. Louis with the
Peace in Justice Ministry. Since none of
us had any business acumen or background, we went into it blindly, and with
large steps of faith. It’s done better
than we ever anticipated.
“It’s a
very satisfying feeling because you can see definitely that the work helps
directly. We always ask them if there’s
anything else we can do, and they just say, ‘Give us more orders.’ Their lives are so different from ours, but
until you see it, you can’t appreciate what we have.”
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