(This is my totally unedited West Newsmagazine piece following three previous articles I had published on this subject that each time filled the council chambers of Ellisville City Hall!)
As the Seven Brew Drive-Thru Coffee proceedings
developed, the Jan. 18 packed-house, Ellisville council meeting was far more
reminiscent of a highly contentious court case.
Following a 7-1 negative setback at
the Jan. 11 Ellisville Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, Seven Brew
needed a super majority verdict to win the case. Instead, the Field Avenue
faithful prevailed with a 4-2 vote with council member Dan Duffy (District 3)
Five residents spoke in the initial
Public Comments session. Each one mentioned
horrible traffic increases, backups on Clarkson and its own street plus
imminent safety concerns stemming from Seven Brew’s plan of having one
drive-thru side of the operation and the other walk up and bike up.
Bernie Barton added he was against
any egress from that lot onto Field, including Seven Brew’s delivery truck. Dave Goessman complained of potential loud
music disturbances from onsite speakers.
Words started calmly as attorney Chris Graville addressed the council as to why Seven Brew would be a good fit for the 309 Clarkson Road address. He noted that it’s a mere 600 square foot grab and go coffee kiosk that only serves beverages with no food or dine-in area. He also said the business is set up with a circulation type that avoids traffic tie-ups and it’s primarily a site for customers to make a brief stop to and from work.
Graville constantly defended a traffic study performed by both St. Louis County and MODOT showed this business would add very little traffic to the area. He also stated it’s the type of business Ellisville has been seeking for this area.
“We believe this is not only
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; we believe it furthers it,” he said. “We
want to work with the city and its residents to get them comfortable with this
conceptplan. Unlike Chick-fil-A, the traffic study shows there’s no
significant trip generation with our plan.”
Graville spoke of a variety of
sub-topics that he claimed would be a great fit for the city of Ellisville,
including ones from the neighboring Field Avenue. But over time, it developed
into an emotional, tension-filled verbal spat between Graville and his crew and
Field attendees.
“You all have a very difficult job
because you have to take your code, use your city engineer’s report and apply
the facts to the code,” Graville said. “If
you apply the facts to the code, this is a very good development. You all took
an oath when you were elected to office no different from Planning & Zoning
to uphold the law. We believe to deny
our approval of this is completely arbitrary and is capricious.”
He added that every single negative
issue brought up by the residents has been shot down by the traffic study.
“This is not traffic Armageddon. We’ve been threatened at these meetings. We’ve been told you’re never going away. We’ve been told people are going to die. We’ve heard Planning & Zoning saying
they’re going to get sued. The residents have every right to give their
opinion, but the Armageddon presented by the residents on this petition is not
supported by this document which is the city’s engineering report.”
There were just a handful of
questions from the council; mostly from Rob Compton (District 1). One inquiry
was about the number of cars that might be waiting to leave the site and get
back onto Clarkson Road. Julie Nolfo of Lochmueller Group answered that information
was not from the traffic study, but provided by Seven Brew.
Compton calmly took exception to
Graville comparing Vero Lane and its commercial development to that of Field
with Seven Brew’s proposed development. Compton noted that Vero has a traffic light
whereas Field has none.
A few more Field Avenue residents
spoke out against the proposed development at the start of the second Public
Comments session. What followed was a highly upset property owner Jordan Srote.
“Frankly, I’m disappointed to where
we’ve gotten to today. I’ve listened to about 90 minutes over the last two
P&Z meetings from everybody telling us why traffic was not going to work
and none of them were experts. We spent countless amounts of time and money in
Julie, and her team spent energy in building up a traffic study which states
the facts. Nothing done there is arbitrary.
It’s based on science and facts with a proven method that works….and
you’re saying ignore that.
Srote added that walk ability is a
major part of Ellisville’s Comprehensive Plan, and he was highly disappointed
that residents “were using children as pawns.” While safety is a concern, he
said it was no worse than his long-abandoned property being vandalized twice
since he’s owned it. He also vehemently denied rumors that property values
would decrease.
“There’s the Harvard study and a lot
of other studies out there. They call it the Starbucks Effect. What’s it’s about is if you have a walkable
coffee shop within your distance, your house is actually going to appreciate 3%
more than a house that doesn’t have those things. And yet, we’re arguing that
an abandoned property with a giant ‘For Lease’ signs is not degrading property
values in the area?
“I’m also disappointed that when a
resident states moments before a vote that somebody is going to die here, and
that you, council members and the P&Z are going to be responsible for that
and be in for a proper lawsuit. That’s a
blatant intimidation tactic. I’m disappointed in that and the disregard for
facts. At the end of the day, this is not my lot or their street. This is a community with 10,000 residents in
it. They will be directly and indirectly
impacted by this through property taxes, accumulation of money that goes to the
schools, the fire department.”
Srote’s own comments were followed by
nine more sets of negative citizen comments.
Sara Fox said Comprehensive Plan
states that it wants to ensure future developments and not duplicating existing
developments and strengthen diversification within the business sector. “I did
an online search and found there are already three coffee shops and two
smoothie places within 1.2 miles or less of this particular development.”
Ed Fasnacht added that not just Field
Avenue signed the petition against this specific development but more than 200
people from the general area did, and nobody wants to live close to dumpster
“What’s actually disappointing is to
hear the applicant disregarding and minimizing safety concerns that were
communicated by the citizens,” Mahmoud Kaaki said. “That’s disappointing and insulting.”
For the legislation segment, Mayor
Mike Roemerman said it’s always very difficult when you have so many citizens
vehemently opposed to a potential economic development.
“As elected officials, these are the
tough ones for us. We have to consider the neighbors and Ellisville as a whole.
Through it all, I’ve personally been on your side. We had a development on my street, and I was
opposed to it for a lot of reasons. But it was approved and looking back, it’s
easy for me to see that it wasn’t as bad as what my neighbors made it out to
Roemerman used an example of a neighbor
across the street and one house over as an example that property values can
actually jump sky high when commercial developments are build close by. He also
said that Clarkson Road is dangerous all the time and everybody has to be extra
diligent driving up Clarkson Road to Manchester.
Compton had an amendment added that
no music can be played at the site. ‘No speakers’ was added by Roemerman. All voted in favor of that. Still, only
Roemerman and Greg Sanborn (District 2) voted for the project while council
members Vince McGrath (District 1), Compton, Mick Cahill (District 2) and Curt
Boggs (District 3) voted no.
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